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Welcome to the Survivor / Survivor Ambigram
<p>We wish we could show you more of this Survivor ambigram. The full fairly long <b>Survivor ambigram</b> that this clip came from will make people's heads turn!</p>
<p>As even this small preview reveals, a lot of attention has been paid to the details. Although you can't see it here, the full version of this typographical marvel says '<b>Survivor</b>' one way and also says '<b>Survivor</b>' the other way. Showing such a small sample of the overall Survivor ambigram doesn't do it justice, but at least you get an idea of what your design could look like.</p>
<p>To get a free sample of a full resolution ambigram (but not necessarily this Survivor ambigram), click the <span class="SendAmbigramLabel">'Send Me a Free Ambigram'</span> button and we'll send one out to you right away.</p>