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Welcome to the Nature / Nurture Ambigram
<p>Wait until you see the rest of this Nature / Nurture ambigram. The full resolution Nature / Nurture ambigram can be read both upright and upside-down, and it is just one of the infinite number of ambigrams that can be created on the FlipScript site.</p>
<p>As this sample reveals, even the smaller details of this design have been paid a lot of attention. The full version of this Nature / Nurture ambigram shows a masterful use of symmetry and rotation, with the flowing curves of one orientation being cleverly mirrored and inverted in the other orientation. This is not the only solution to the Nature / Nurture ambigram, either. You will see all of the other options in the Members area.</p>
<p>To see an actual ambigram (that you can read upright and upside down), click the button below, and we'll send an ambigram out to you, right away, for free.</p>