Welcome to the Michelle / Michelle Ambigram

Michelle ambigram design teaser

Here is a small window of the Michelle ambigram. You can get the full version inside. The full resolution Michelle ambigram can be read both upright and upside-down, and it will make people's heads turn.

As even this small preview reveals, even the smaller details of this design have been paid a lot of attention. The full version of this Michelle ambigram shows a masterful use of symmetry and rotation, with the flowing curves of one orientation being cleverly mirrored and inverted in the other orientation. Showing such a small sample of the overall Michelle ambigram doesn't do it justice, but at least you get an idea of what your design could look like.

To get a free sample of a full resolution ambigram (but not necessarily this Michelle ambigram), click this button and we'll send a full resolution ambigram right out to you.