Welcome to the Lisa / Lisa Ambigram

Lisa ambigram design teaser

When you see the full Lisa ambigram uncovered, you're going to love it. The nice short Lisa ambigram (of which only a tiny part is shown here) will make people's heads turn.

As you can see from this small window into the artwork, this Lisa ambigram has been carefully constructed. The full version of this design maintains its legibility from multiple angles, blending artistry with functional design in a way that honors its historical roots. The artwork peeking through the ripped page is currently showing the first solution, in the first font for the Lisa ambigram. There are other solutions in this font, and other fonts as well. You always have choices.

To get a free sample of a full resolution ambigram (but not necessarily this Lisa ambigram), click the 'Send Me a Free Ambigram' button and we'll send one out to you right away.