Welcome to the Imfine / Saveme Ambigram

Imfine and Saveme ambigram design teaser
<p>If you become a member, you will get full resolution, uncovered, unwatermarked ambigrams. For now, we had to cover up part of this Imfine / Saveme ambigram. The unzoomed medium length <strong>Imfine / Saveme ambigram</strong> that this clip is from may seem impossible, but here it is.</p> <p>As you can see from this small window into the artwork, this Imfine / Saveme ambigram has been carefully constructed. The full version of this design maintains its legibility from multiple angles, blending artistry with functional design in a way that honors its historical roots. The artwork peeking through the ripped page is currently showing the first solution, in the first font for the Imfine / Saveme ambigram. There are other solutions in this font, and other fonts as well. You always have choices.</p> <p>The next step is to check out the quality of a full resolution ambigram design. To get one, click the <span class="SendAmbigramLabel">'Send Me a Free Ambigram'</span> button and we'll send one right out to you.</p>