Welcome to the Carpediem / Seizetheday Ambigram

Carpediem and Seizetheday ambigram design teaser
<p>The rest of this Carpediem / Seizetheday ambigram is waiting for you to join us. For now, we wanted to show you that it is possible. The full fairly long <b>Carpediem / Seizetheday ambigram</b> that this clip came from may seem impossible since it contains 9 characters when upright and 11 characters when upside-down, but here it is!</p> <p>As even this small preview reveals, this design has been given a lot of love right down to the smallest details. The full version of this Carpediem / Seizetheday ambigram exhibits ornate beauty whether it is viewed from above or below. Showing such a small sample of the overall Carpediem / Seizetheday ambigram doesn't do it justice, but at least you get an idea of what your design could look like.</p> <p>You probably came here to see a full resolution ambigram, and while we can't send you the Carpediem / Seizetheday ambigram ambigram, click the <span class="SendAmbigramLabel">'Send Me a Free Ambigram'</span> button and we'll send one right out to you.</p>