Welcome to the Amanda / Amanda Ambigram

Amanda ambigram design teaser
<p>This Amanda ambigram is one of a kind. Wait to you see the full design! The full version of this <strong>Amanda ambigram</strong> is a symmetric ambigram that is an optical illusion that will make you do a double take.</p> <p>As you can see from even this small sample, this design has been given a lot of love right down to the smallest details. The full version of this Amanda ambigram exhibits ornate beauty whether it is viewed from above or below. Clearly, there is much more to this Amanda ambigram than can be seen here.</p> <p>If you want to see the quality of an actual full resolution ambigram, click the <span class="SendAmbigramLabel">'Send Me a Free Ambigram'</span> button and we'll send one out to you right away.</p>